Has your adopted musky been recaptured?
Each spring, summer and fall, the DNR Fish Crews go out on the Chippewa Flowage (and other lakes) to capture a sampling of fish. If the fish have been stocked by DNR, they usually have a PIT tag inserted. Using a scanner, much like a barcode scanner, the crew can check the fish’s tag number to determine how big it was when it was released into the wild.
In February, we post the results of last summer’s fish surveys from the Chippewa Flowage. If the muskies captured have PIT tags inserted, we can scan them to see how much they’ve grown. Some of these fish are the ones you may have adopted since October 2014 when we started the Adopt A Musky Program.
Check the PIT tag number below against the Adoption Certificate you received from Friends Into Spooner Hatchery (FISH) to see if DNR recaptured your little darling last summer. If so, you can see how much he/she has grown!
Here are the three adopted muskies that were recaptured throughout 2019:
Recapture Date: May 8, 2019
PIT Tag Number: 900.067000027111
Size at Stocking: 13.6″
Size at Recapture: 22.5″
Recapture Date: June 4, 2019
PIT Tag Number: 900.067000027551
Size at Stocking: 13.8″
Size at Recapture: 25.8″
Recapture Date: September 10, 2019
PIT Tag Number: 900.067000028542
Size at Stocking: 14.4:
Size at Recapture: 29.5″